Going Out in Style: Ark Angels: Helping 4-legged victims of domestic abuse

Going Out in Style: Ark Angels: Helping 4-legged victims of domestic abuse

Two by two, nearly 70 guests gathered for Noah’s Rest third annual benefit cocktail ‘Paw-ty’ on Oct. 14 at the Lake Shore Harley-Davidson in Libertyville. 

Founded in 2015, Noah’s Rest (NR) arranges safe, temporary shelter for pets who are victims of domestic violence. An estimated 48 percent of abuse victims delay leaving their oppressive situations for fear of what might happen to their pets. 

Facilitating rescues across northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin, Noah’s Rest takes in any animal for a period of 45-60 days. 

Going Out in Style: Celebrating 70 years of Beth El

Going Out in Style: Celebrating 70 years of Beth El

Mother's Trust Foundation Paints the Town Red

Mother's Trust Foundation Paints the Town Red